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'Technical Notes, Transport Statement, Transport Assessment or Appeal Evidence'

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Transport Planning Service for ‘New, Existing, Change of Use’ Development


‘Transport Statement’ or ‘Transport Assessment’ for Planning Application

Where it is seen for “smaller-scale’ developments for planning, the provision of a supporting ‘Transport Statement’ may be required and acts as simplified ‘Transport Assessment’. If a more onerous assessment is required, the provision of a supporting ‘Transport Assessment’ should be advised. Such reports can be prepared for ‘new, existing and change of use’ sites for client’s own due diligence.

Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government state the following within ‘National Planning Policy Framework’ (2021) on definition of ‘Transport Statement’ and ‘Transport Assessment’

Transport Statement: A simplified version of a transport assessment where it is agreed the transport issues arising from development proposals are limited and a full transport assessment is not required.”
Transport Assessment: A comprehensive and systematic process that sets out transport issues relating to a proposed development. It identifies measures required to improve accessibility and safety for all modes of travel, particularly for alternatives to the car such as walking, cycling and public transport, and measures that will be needed deal with the anticipated transport impacts of the development.”

Whilst Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities & Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government within ‘Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements’ (2014) guidance document states the following: –

“Local planning authorities must make a judgement as to whether a development proposal would generate significant amounts of movement on a case-by-case basis (i.e. significance may be a lower threshold where road capacity is already stretched or a higher threshold for a development in an area of high public transport accessibility).Transport Assessments and Statements are ways of assessing the potential transport impacts of developments (and they may propose mitigation measures to promote sustainable development. Where that mitigation relates to matters that can be addressed by management measures, the mitigation may inform the preparation of Travel Plans).
Transport Assessments are thorough assessments of the transport implications of development, and Transport Statements are a ‘lighter-touch’ evaluation to be used where this would be more proportionate to the potential impact of the development (i.e. in the case of developments with anticipated limited transport impacts).
Where the transport impacts of development are not significant, it may be that no Transport Assessment or Statement or Travel Plan is required. Local planning authorities, developers, relevant transport authorities and neighbourhood planning organisations should agree what evaluation is needed in each instance.”

Source: –

Recommend contact with Council Highways Team prior to submitting planning application to confirm whether a supporting ‘Traffic Impact Assessment’ report is required (unless this is confirmed during pre-application council meeting). If required, the scope and contents should also be agreed with checklist on what extent of work is required for appropriate report.