Highways & Transport Advice for ‘New, Existing, Change of Use’ Development
‘Technical Note’
Whilst the premise of a supporting Transport Statement may be not required for more small-scale developments during planning, the means of preparing a basic ‘highway technical note’ can provide sufficient means to justify and mitigate the anticipated impact of the proposals on the local highway network. Notwithstanding this, supporting ‘detailed technical note/s’ may assist at ‘pre-planning application stage’, ‘outline or full’ planning’ or even at ‘appeal’ for the following: –
- ‘Technical Site Appraisals’
- ‘Scoping Study’
- ‘Initial Site Access’ or ‘Appraisal of Access Options’;
- ‘Traffic, Speed, Parking Beat/Parking Stress Survey’;
- ‘Land Use ‘Multi-Modal’ Trip Generation’;
- ‘Road Safety’;
- ‘Vehicle Swept Path Analysis’;
- ‘Site Sustainability by Non-Car Modes’; and
- ‘Specific Raised Highway Planning Condition or ‘Highway Appeal’ Issue’
Whilst the above may not be raised in initial liaison with local highway authority, the provision of providing supplementary ‘highway/traffic’ evidence (pre-planning or submission of planning) may seek to mitigate any particular highway or traffic related concern/s other parties may have in relation to the site.